Biting is fairly common in young children. Biting is often painful and frightening for the child who is bitten. It can also be very frightening for the child who bites. Biting happens for different reasons with different children under different circumstances. The first step in learning to control it, second is to find out why it may be happening.


Teething aside, children may bite for a number of reasons including:

  • Curiosity – children may bite to see what their friends arm may taste like or to see their reaction.
  • Frustrated – if things are not going their way, children may get very angry and frustrated, and lash out by biting.
  • Copying – children who see others biting may think this is a good idea.
  • Seeking attention – biting is a good way of getting others to take notice, even if the attention gained is negative.

Stopping a child from biting is not easy, it is important to remain calm and consistent when handling the situation.

At Victorious Tiny Angels we acknowledge that biting is a common behaviour among young children. We recognise that the majority of children will learn not to bite in time and are very clear, firm and calm when a child does bite and offer praise and warmth when they don’t.

If an incident of biting does occur, the parents of both children will be informed of the event. This will be recorded in the incident/accident book. If your child has bitten another child, we strongly recommend that you do not bite them as a punishment. It sends a very confused message to the child.


We show disapproval and very firmly and calmly say something like “NO, we do not bite! It hurts and it’s not nice!’’. We use gestures and facial expressions to reinforce the message. We might decide to walk away from the child for a short while to emphasise our disapproval.

If a child persists with biting we will make a plan to monitor and support the child. We may seek outside advice from other professionals.


Staff are trained to deal with this situation. Biting is always taken seriously, we do not disclose to any parent the name of the child who has bitten. It is unnecessary to know their identity, however if a parent finds out who has bitten their child we strongly recommend that they do not complain directly to the other parents. Try to remember that all young children are all potential biters.



At Victorious Tiny Angels, our aim is to ensure that each child is able to progress at their own rate in all areas of development and therefore realizing and striving to achieve their full potential regardless of disability or learning difficulties. We have regard for identification and assessment of special educational needs and provide a welcoming environment with appropriate learning opportunities for all children.

The needs of an individual child are paramount and provided we can meet those needs effectively; the admission of a child with special needs will be treated no less favourably than for the other children.

Our focus is on early detection and identification of additional learning needs, leading to quick and effective strategy to meet those needs. We believe that this focus will prevent the onset of later difficulties and therefore act in a preventive capacity as well as addressing present needs.


All staff are to be aware and watch out for signs. One staff member will be the designated special education needs coordinator (SENCO). They will be responsible for coordinating with parents/carers and the child’s key person.

Our system of observation and record keeping, which operates in conjunction with parents, enables us to monitor children’s needs and progress on individual basis. A key person system is in place to ensure children are monitored effectively and that there is good communication, support and relationships between all who care for the child.

There are regular planning meetings for staff to discuss individual children and discuss any effective plans of action. We will also review this policy regularly to ensure it is workable for concerned.


Once a special education need is identified, an effective strategy will be formulated.

The strategy will be formed after discussion between all involved with the child e.g. parents/carers, other key members of the child’s family, the child’s key person and the management. Where appropriate, we will liaise with staff outside the group including therapists, health visitors, psychologists, social workers, paediatricians and support groups. A CAF (common assessment framework) may be needed and a lead professional put into place to organise meetings so that strategies can be put in place.

We will make every endeavour to provide where appropriate the resources required to implement the strategy.

These resources may include:

  • A change or adaption to the setting environment.
  • Additional equipment including specialist aids if appropriate.
  • Specialised training in a specific area for staff.
  • Additional support from adults- extra funding will be sought if required.
  • Providing alternative activities where appropriate.
  • Continuation of care.
  • Observation and record keeping will continue as part of the strategy.
  • Regular meetings will be held to assess individual’s progress and the need to alter the strategy if required.
  • Information will be transferred to the next care provider

(E.g. school or another early year’s provider).



It is at the Managers discretion whether or not to allow a child into the school if they are showing signs of illness, even if there is no exclusion period or if this is after an exclusion period has passed or if a doctor has stated that they are not infectious. The Manager will need to take into account the demeanour of the child and whether they are well enough to participate in activities. They must also consider whether allowing a sick child into the setting would affect the staff: child ratios, as children who are unwell may require continual one to one attention. If we allow a child showing signs of illness or who has recently recovered from an illness or who has recently recovered from an illness into the setting the we will monitor them regularly and will contact parents/carers to ask that they are collected if they become unwell again.


If there is an outbreak of illness in the setting, then the manager will consult with the local health protection unit for advice. We may decide to exclude children in order to control an outbreak even where this is not listed in our normal exclusion policy.


If a child has an illness we would request that parents/carers contact us as soon as possible so we can communicate this to all staff and parents, as well as health protection if it is a notifiable disease. This is particularly important in case a child has come into contact with a pregnant staff member or parent.


Parents are required to provide information considering dietary requirements, preferences in food, its preparation methods/serving, allergies, intolerance and religious/cultural practices. A record will be made and referred to on a daily basis.

If parents prefer to provide their own food, they are welcome to do so.



We are currently closed on all bank holidays so no fees are collected for these days. If a child has a planned holiday, fees will be reduced by 50% the period of their absence subjects to the setting receiving a minimum of 4 weeks’ notice in writing. This will be for a maximum of 2 weeks per year.


Fees are payable one month in advance. At the beginning of each term an invoice will be given to the parent stating the amount to be paid for that term. Fees must be paid by the date stated on the invoice and can be paid by deposit in designated bank account in the name of the school. The bank deposit receipt slip should be given to the administration of the school.

A receipt will be given when payment is received.


If payment is not made by the date stated on the invoice a reminder will be sent out to parents/carers. Payment should be received within 14 days of receiving this reminder. If fees continue to be outstanding the parent/carer will be sent a further letter asking for fees to be paid within 7 days upon receipt of the letter.


Fees will be reviewed annually. We will give parents 4 weeks’ notice of any increase in fees. This will only reflect the rising cost of our produce and utilities. We will endeavour to keep fees fair and as low as possible.


At Victorious Tiny Angels all staff will adhere to the following when changing a child’s nappy or diaper:

  • Staff must wear disposable gloves and plastic aprons while changing wet and dirty nappies. To prevent the spread of infection, gloves and aprons will only be used once.
  • Dispose of the nappy by double bagging and place in the nappy bin.
  • Take the child back to the room and return to clean the mat and wash your hands.
  • The nappy changing table should be wiped down with anti-bacterial spray after every use and dried with a paper towel.
  • Always dispose of gloves and aprons before moving to another room.
  • Nappy changes to be recorded and information shared with parents.


The staff at Victorious Tiny Angels are experienced in helping children to potty train. If you think your child is developmentally and emotionally ready to start using the potty we will endeavour to support you and your child to the best of our ability.

Potty training can be very daunting process for parents but please be assured that our staff will work with you every step of the way to ensure the process is a smooth one. Please be aware that it can take longer for a child to potty train at nursery as there is so much happening within the environment than at home. This is why we ask you to start potty training your child at home for a short period before it is introduced at school.


  1. Once you have introduced potty training at home, we will start encouraging the child to sit on a potty at the school. We will try to copy your routine as close as possible.
  2. We request that your child arrives at school in a ‘pull-up’ encourage them to use them as ‘pants/knickers’ when using a potty rather than taking off a nappy.
  3. Your child needs to wear suitable clothing when potty training (no bells, dungarees or baby grows)
  4. Whilst your child is potty training their key worker will keep you informed on their progress. When you feel your child is ready to wear knickers/pants to school we ask that you discuss this with your child key person.
  5. At first, we will put your child back in ‘pull-ups’ back for relaxation and sleep time, until your child is dry throughout the day.
  6. If your child has three accidents in one day they will be put back in ‘pull-up’ training underwear and we will try again on their next session.
  7. Accidents will be dealt with calmly, sympathetically and in a way, which does not make the child think they have done wrong.
  8. We request that you bring sufficient spare clothes for the staff to dress your child if they should have an accident (This includes spare socks).

We understand that due to changes in routines or changes at home, some children may regress. If your child has been dry for a while and they begin to have accidents, your key person will work with you and support your child through this time. They will not be put back into ‘pull-ups’ as this may make them more insecure but will be encouraged to use the toilet more than usual.



Confidential information is information of some sensitivity, which is not already lawfully in the public domain or readily available from another public source, and which has been shared in a relationship where the person giving the information understood it would not be shared with others.

At Victorious Tiny Angels it is our intention to respect the privacy of children and their families, whilst ensuring they access high quality early years care and education in our setting. We aim to ensure that all parents and carers can share their information in the confidence that it will only be used to enhance the welfare of their children.

It is a legal requirement on the school to hold information about the children and families using the school. This information is used for registers, invoices and emergency contacts. In line with data protection requirements all confidential information will be kept in a locked cabinet in the office. The managers and deputy managers are the only ones with ready access to this information. All other staff will need permission from the manager before accessing this information.

The staff, through their close relationship with both children and their parents, will learn about the families using school. All staff are aware that this information is confidential and only for use within the setting. If any of this information is requested for whatever reason, the parents’ permission will always be sought. Staff do not discuss personal information given by parents with other members of staff, except where it affects planning for the child’s needs. Staff induction includes an awareness of the importance of confidentiality in the role of the key person. Students on placement in the school are advised of our confidentiality policy and required to respect it.

We inform parents when we need to record confidential information beyond the general personal information we keep- for example with regards to any injuries, concerns or changes in relation to the child or the family, any discussions had with parents on sensitive matters, any records we are obliged to keep regarding action taken in respect of child protection and any contact and correspondence with external agencies in relation to their child.

Concerns or evidence relating to child’s personal safety are kept in a secure, confidential file and will not be shared within the setting except for the child’s key person or managers and when deemed necessary, outside agencies e.g. social service, police and other professionals working with the child. In the event of the school having to involve outside agencies then the sharing of information will be discussed and agreed with the parent first, except in the event of a child protection issue where it is decided by the setting’s designated person that the sharing of this information with the parent/carer would put the child at serious risk. In this case our child protection policy will override our confidentiality.

Some parents sometimes share information about themselves with other parents as well as staff; the setting cannot be responsible if information is shared beyond those parents whom the person has ‘confided in’.

Any staff member who unwittingly or deliberately discloses confidential information to those who are not involved directly with the care of the child will be subject to disciplinary action.


At Victorious Tiny Angels we take photographs for the purpose of recording a child or group of children participating in activities or celebrating their achievements. We feel taking photographs is an effective form of recording their progress in the Early Years Foundation Stage and Progressing. However, it is essential that these photographs are taken and stored appropriately to safe guard the in our care.

Therefore, all person involved in the setting will adhere to the following:

  • Only the designated camera will be used to take any photo within the setting or on outings.
  • Images taken on this camera must be deemed suitable without putting the child/children in any compromising positions that could cause embarrassment or distress.
  • All staff are responsible for the location of the camera. When not in use it should be placed in the office.
  • Images taken and stored on the camera must be printed, on setting printer, as soon as possible.
  • If photographs need to be taken in the bathroom, e.g. photographs of the children washing their hands, then management must be asked first and staff must be supervised whilst carrying out this activity. The camera must be placed where it can be seen at all times.
  • Failure to adhere to the policy will lead to disciplinary action.


Victorious Tiny Angels is committed to the highest standards of quality, openness and accountability. We encourage parents and employees with any serious concerns about any aspects of the setting to come forward and voice them. When investigating any concerns, we will always take whatever action is appropriate in the circumstances, ensuring we follow our policies and procedures. This policy has been put in place to encourage and enable employees to raise concerns rather than overlooking any problems.

We will ensure staff know what is expected of them through job description, staff induction, supervisions and training. All staff has the right to raise any concerns regarding poor or insufficient practice at work. The priority of all staff is the well-being and safety of the children and this takes priority over any loyalty towards work colleagues.


  • Staff should tell any concerns to the managers.
  • All concerns are treated as confidential.
  • Concerns must include names, dates, times and places where possible.
  • State the reason for your concern.
  • It is better to put your concern in writing, but if you do not wish to, the person you make the complaint to will, and you will be asked to sign it to confirm accuracy of it.
  • The concern will be investigated and within 2 weeks you will informed of the outcome of the investigation.
  • Any action deemed necessary will follow the disciplinary procedures.
  • If the allegation is proved to malicious and/or completely un founded, action will be taken against the person responsible.


  • We ensure that all parents know how to complain about the behaviour or actions of staff or volunteers within the setting, which include an allegation of abuse.
  • If there is reasonable cause to suspect a child is at risk of significant harm, or the allegation warrants investigation by the police, or is so serious that it might be grounds for dismissal, we will suspend the person concerned until the allegation is resolved.
  • Relevant agencies will be consulted before informing the staff member of the allegation.
  • The member of staff who has the complaint made against them will be treated fairly and honestly and be provided with support during the investigation as will others who may be involved in the incident.
  • They will be helped to understand the concerns and process and be informed of the outcome of the investigation. The implications of disciplinary process will be clearly explained.

If any allegation is substantiated, we will undertake a review and act upon any findings to safeguard the welfare of the children.


Our accident book is kept safely and easily accessible to staff. We fill in an accident form for any accident that has occurred during the day. The form will include:

Childs name, date, time the accident happened, how the accident occurred, and treatment given. Staff are required to fill in the form, as soon as possible after the accident and sign it. Parents are informed at the child’s session and are also required to sign the form.

We review the accident book at least every 3 months to identify any potential or actual hazards.


Victorious Tiny Angels aims to offer a wide range of activities, opportunities and experiences that will enable all children that attend to develop skills, confidence and independence.

We will endeavour to provide suitable materials and equipment to enable staff to prepare a plan and carry this out.

Activities will provide the children with the opportunity to work together. They can experiment with different materials and be given the opportunity to help with planning, preparing and encourage to help to clear away.

We also aim to encourage the development of language, co-operation, problem solving and self-esteem, to produce something to take home and/or learn from.


In accordance with the early year’s framework, early years settings must shape educational activities using the seven areas of learning and development. All areas are inter-connected and important. There are three crucial areas, which ignite children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning. They are also important for building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive. These prime areas, are:

  • Communication and language;
  • Physical development; and
  • Personal, social and emotional development.

There are also four specific areas, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied. These are:

  • Literacy;
  • Mathematics;
  • Understanding the world; and
  • Expressive art and design.

As set out in the Early Years Statutory Framework, Educational programmes must involve activities and experiences for children, as follows.


involves giving children opportunities to experience a rich language environment and develop their confidence and skills in expressing themselves thus skills in expressing themselves and to speak and listen in a range of situations.


involves providing opportunities for young children to be active and interactive and develop their co-ordination, control and movement. Children must be helped to understand the importance of physical activity, and to make healthy choices in relation to food.


involves helping children to develop a positive sense of themselves and others and to form positive relationships and develop respect for others. Develop social skills and learn how to manage their feelings. Understand appropriate behaviour in groups and to have confidence in their own abilities.


involves encouraging children to link sounds and letters and to begin to read and write. Children must be given access to a wide range of reading materials (books, poems and other written materials) to ignite their interest.


involves providing children with opportunities to develop and improve their skills in counting, understanding and using numbers, calculating simple addition and subtraction problems; and to describe shapes, spaces and measures.


involves guiding children to make sense of their physical world and their community through opportunities to explore, observe and find out about people, places, technology and the environment.


involves enabling children to explore and play with wide range of media and materials, as well as providing opportunities and encouragement for sharing their thoughts, ideas and feelings through a variety of activities in art, music, movement, dance, role-play, design and technology.

We aim to implement each area of learning and development through planned, purposeful play, through a mix of adult-led and child-initiated activities. We believe play is an essential part of children’s development, building their confidence as they learn to explore, think about problems and relate to others.

We believe a quality learning experience for your child requires a quality workforce. To deliver the best possible outcome for children we employ well qualified, skilled staff and regularly consider the training and development needs of our staff to ensure they continue to offer and provide a quality learning experience for children.